Invest with SquirrelSave and enjoy your perks   Promotion

Just S$1 to invest globally?
YES, with our SquirrelSave AI!

To prove it, we’ll give you S$1 to start.

Get your SquirrelSave account in a few minutes.
Start growing your money smarter at SquirrelSave!


Just S$1 to invest globally? To prove it, we’ll give you S$1 to start

Terms & Conditions Apply

How to participate

Open your SquirrelSave account

Open your SquirrelSave account by 15 October 2020 23:59
(GMT +08:00)

Login to SquirrelSave and create your first investment goal

Create your first investment goal by 15 October 2020 23:59
(GMT +08:00)

SquirrelSave will credit the S$1 into your first investment goal

SquirrelSave will credit the S$1 into your first investment goal within 30 calendar days.

  1. Promotion period is from 11 September 2020 to 15 October 2020.
  2. Only one goal, created within the promotion period, will be entitled to this promotion.
  3. SquirrelSave reserves the right to amend the end date of the promotion at any time.
  4. The staff of PIVOT Fintech Pte. Ltd. is not eligible for the promotion.