About Squirrel Treehouse
Squirrel Treehouse is a tool for parents to talk about money and cover financial basics such
as saving, spending and sharing — powered by SquirrelSave. There are interactive
activity-based stories that allow parents to discuss financial concepts and values with their
children using simple yet relatable examples.
The first instalment of Squirrel Treehouse features cute Acorn Squirrel Family character set —
Mama, Dada, Sasa, Momo and Gigi. Mama is the ever-sensible mother while Dada is the
responsible father. The Acorn children have different money habits - Sasa is the “saver”,
Momo the “spender” and Gigi the “giver”.

The inaugural themes in Squirrel Treehouse are:
Ebook 1: Counting Money
Teaching children about differentiating and
calculating the total amount of money
comprising coins with different
Ebook 2: Needs Versus Wants
Starting a discussion between parent and
child about what “needs” and “wants” mean
for the family, which may be different across
Ebook 3: Saving, Spending, Sharing
Introducing the concepts of saving, spending,
and sharing. Also consider the needs versus
wants in budgeting decisions.
Squirrel Treehouse allows children to see how much their money in KidSave goal has grown.
We trust this will motivate the children to save even more. This can be a good start of
money-saving habit in children.

Acorn rewards are awarded by completing online quizzes and activities on each ebook. The
Acorn rewards can be redeemed for various merchandise such as lanyards, plastic Acorn
coin sets and Acorn Family character stickers.
Another fun feature is a digital avatar tool for children to enjoy creative mix and match
versions of each Acorn Squirrel Family characters.
Create KidSave goal on your SquirrelSave account to get access to Squirrel Treehouse.
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