Full Year 2021 Update

SquirrelSave ONE Dollar Reference Portfolios
+12% & +17% during Jan-Dec 2021
+19% & +31% in 18 months since May 2020

Jan 8, 2022

“Money No Enough” to invest?

SquirrelSave offers global portfolios from as low as ONE Dollar. No more excuses!

SquirrelSave enables you to invest in small sums…

We showcase ONE Dollar portfolios to demonstrate AI-driven investing and to make it easy to see percentage returns. Invest more to maximise your absolute dollar returns!

We track two actual ONE Dollar SquirrelSave portfolios which started in May 2020.

SquirrelSave Portfolios*
May 2020 to 31 Dec 2021

Risk Setting May 2020 31 Dec 2020 % Return 31 Dec 2021 % Return % Return (May 2020 to Dec 2021)
Conservative $1.00 $1.06 +6% $1.19 +12.3% +19%
Very Aggressive $1.00 $1.12 +12% $1.31 +17.0% +31%

* Figures are inclusive of ETF expense ratios and net of SquirrelSave management fees. SquirrelSave uses AI to design and manage diversified investment portfolios for each investor. Because SquirrelSave is not an investment fund, there is no single return measure. Instead, every SquirrelSave investor has his/her own investment performance as each investor is managed separately by our SquirrelSave AI. As investors can withdraw and top-up any time, investment returns will be affected by individual investor decisions. Hence, SquirrelSave uses reference portfolios which are actual portfolios managed on an ongoing basis, without any interference with withdrawals or top-ups, to measure investment performance.

At end-Dec 2021, these are what SquirrelSave has invested for $1…

Conservative Reference Portfolio

Very Aggressive Reference Portfolio

…broken down into the following investments

Conservative Reference Portfolio

Very Aggressive Reference Portfolio

“Gift-a-Portfolio” & Go Digital this Chinese New Year!

As a SquirrelSave client, you can also give a life-long gift to your loved ones and friends right from your sofa using SquirrelSave’s “Gift-aPortfolio”. Click here to find out more.

Start Smart Investing with SquirrelSave AI now!

Invest what you can and capture the power of compounding returns. Invest early. With SquirrelSave, you are in control. Top-up every day, any time you wish. Withdraw any time, though we would recommend that investing requires one to stay invested so that the inevitable risks can be smoothed out.

Harness the Power of Compounding…especially for your children!

With small sum investing at SquirrelSave, you can invest regularly to build a future nest egg. Start early and capture the “Power of Compounding”! Kids should invest early too! That’s why SquirrelSave introduced a KidSave investment goal that allows you to set aside money and invest for your kids.

With SquirrelSave AI, it is possible to Invest Smarter! Sign-up at www.squirrelsave.com.sg today!

Your SquirrelSave AI Team


The contents herein are intended for informational purposes only and do not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of any offer to buy or sell any securities to any person in any jurisdiction. No reliance should be placed on the information or opinions herein or accuracy or completeness, for any purpose whatsoever. No representation, warranty or undertaking, express or implied, is given as to the information or opinions herein or accuracy or completeness, and no liability is accepted as to the foregoing. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. All investments carry risk and all investment decisions of an individual remain the responsibility of that individual. All investors are advised to fully understand all risks associated with any kind of investing they choose to do. Hypothetical or simulated performance is not indicative of future results. Unless specifically noted otherwise, all return examples provided in our websites and publications are based on hypothetical or simulated investing. We make no representations or warranties that any investor will, or is likely to, achieve profits similar to those shown, because hypothetical or simulated performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

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